Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Jerry Springer Out of Race for Governor

Not that he was ever really in the race for Ohio Governor in 2006, but former trash TV talk show host Jerry Springer has formally taken his name out of the Democratic Primary for Ohio Governor in 2006. He endorsed Congressman Ted Strickland for Governor. Springer also said he was "dead serious" about his professional radio career and was not using the show as a springboard. Springer merely confirmed what evryone had known for months, Springer was not about to jeporadize his re-entry into politics with a divisive and contentious primary against a current Congressman who already had the backing of the Ohio Democratic establishment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guy. Here is the article that proves Petro's link to abortion rights. enjoy!

June 11, 1998, Thursday

Catherine Candisky , Dispatch Statehouse Reporter

A half dozen Republican and Democratic candidates for statewide
office joined last night at an unusual gathering in support of
abortion rights.

Louie Strike, the Democratic candidate for state auditor, acknowledged
to a crowd of about 100 supporters of the National Abortion Rights
Action League of Ohio that he was a bit anxious to discuss the topic,
especially in public.

He said he became a supporter of abortion rights as a young boy when
he tried to offer his opinion on the topic during one of his mother's
bridge parties.

''She turned to me and said 'Louie, stay out of this. A man can't
possibly make that decision.' ''

Since then, Strike said he has tried not to anger his mother.

''I don't think the issue of choice is something that can be
legislated,'' he said.

It is a position Strike shares with his opponent, Republican state
Auditor Jim Petro, who also attended the gathering in the Bexley home
of Joyce and Charles Shenk.

Attorney General Betty D. Montgomery and her Democratic opponent Rich
Cordray also abandoned their campaign jabs last night.

''This is one of the issues Betty and I agree on,'' Cordray said.

He noted that while serving in the General Assembly both he and
Montgomery opposed legislation requiring women to wait 24 hours and to
receive literature about abortion, its options and fetal development
before undergoing the procedure.

''It's not an easy position to take,'' Cordray said, explaining that
lawmakers receive lots of hate mail when they consider proposals
dealing with abortion.

Montgomery said supporting abortion rights is even more difficult for
a Republican.

''There are good people in the Republican Party, although I disagree
with many of them on this,'' she said.

Abortion has been a hotly contested issue in the General Assembly in
recent years as an increasingly conservative majority has won passage
of numerous restrictions on abortion.

In addition to the 24-hour wait, Ohio requires women to obtain
mandated literature during face-to-face meetings with their physician
and minors must have the permission of a parent before undergoing the

Earlier this year, abortion coverage was removed from all state
employee health insurance plans.

Susannah R. Sagan, executive director of NARAL Ohio, said all
statewide candidates who support abortion rights were invited to
attend the gathering of action league donors.

''We're here to say that choice is not a partisan issue,'' she said.

Also attending were Democrats Lee Fisher, running for governor, and
Charleta Tavares, who is seeking the secretary of state's post.

John Donofrio, Democratic candidate for state treasurer, supports
abortion rights but declined to attend.

Blogger Brian G. said...

Petro is mentioned only briefly and in passing in that entire article. His position on abortion is never cited or quoted, merely that he broadly supports abortion 1998. He has admitted as much throughout his current campaign for governor and says his position on the issue has evolved because of his faith. It may be the truth, it may be political expediency, I don't care. Frankly I think there are larger issues facing Ohio than what a Govenor's precise position is on abortion. One such issue is fiscal management, largely the theme of Petro's campaign. Montgomery and Blackwell can complain about Petro's emphasis on the management of the state government a.l they want but that's what this primary should be about and it's why I support Petro.


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