Friday, December 16, 2005

Petro Claims Dead Heat with Blackwell

After a $1 million TV ad campaign, Attorney General Jim Petro has claimed a statistical dead heat with Secretary of State Ken Blackwell but only in a two-race that does not include Auditor Betty Montgomery. In a two-way match, Petro and Blackwell are tied at 33%-33%. In match of Blackwell vs. Montgomery, Blackwell leads 40%-27%. In the three-way race, Blackwell still leads Petro and Montgomery 30%-35%-12%, respectively. But among those who have claimed to see Petro's recent TV ads, Petro leads Blackwell 40%-26%. The poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies 12/06-07 with a margin of error +/- 4.38%.

The Public Opinion Strategies constrasts considerably with the Columbus Dispatch poll conducted 09/22-10/08. That poll showed Blackwell with a hefty lead over Petro and Mongtomery at 32%-18%-16%, respectively.

While the Public Opinion Strategies poll was conducted for the Petro campaign, it's certain that the recent TV ads have had a positive effect on his numbers and name ID. Blackwell will have to respond soon to counteract the trend.

NOTE: This blogger proudly endorses Jim Petro for Ohio Governor.


Blogger Brian G. said...

The abortion issue has never been at the centerfold of any Petro campaign. And when exactly did Petro get a NARAL endorsement? I doubt they meddle in races for a Cuyahoga County Commissioner. He's never been "anti-gun." Not sure how becoming pro-life makes one "sleezy"


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